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    @omega said in Why Do Users Sign up?:

    Why do users sign up?

    Why do users sign up?

    In my view, and certainly in my case with my forum, users sign up because of the unique content you have on offer. If that is available elsewhere via a simpler mechanism, then they will likely go for that route rather than your site. In the case of my forum, it is offering something unique in the sense that it has facilities such as mentoring, infrastructure help, guidance, etc - admittedly, all of this is available via Stack Overflow, but without the sarcasm, god complexes, and the like.

    Here's an example of that in process

    Link Preview Image Issues with routing

    Hi. Nice to be part of this. Im really hoping you can help me. I’ve got some issues on a network I’m responsible for at work which consists of three location...


    Sudonix | A one-stop-shop for all your technology questions (

    This specific user tried Stack Overflow, and because of the reasons he highlighted above, came to my site and got the assistance he needed.